On 19, December, “2017 China Hospital Science and Technology Influence Ranking” was released. West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chinese PLA General Hospital and Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMC) got the top 3. The Top 100 hospitals come from 20 provinces, with 22, 19 and 9 hospitals from Beijing municipality, Shanghai municipality and Guangdong province respectively.
As China’s medical science gets more attention in the world, more and more outcomes will drive China’s health in turn. From 2007 to 2016, China has 456,200 medical S&T papers published, ranking second in the world.
China Hospital Science and Technology Influence Rankings were published from 2014 to 2016. This year, the ranking index takes S&T input, S&T output and academic influence into account. The number of hospitals estimated increase from 1325 to 1629.
Here is the Top 10 from the list:
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